This Will Be a Game-Changer

When Apple released the iPhone back in 2007, many people laughed at a phone that had no buttons.

When they released the iPad, many said there is no need for a tablet.

Both devices were predicted to fail.

We know how that turned out.

Now, Apple has introduced the Vision Pro and as I write this just after the Apple took the wraps off the device, I’m sure there are going to be people predicting its failure.

I am not one of those people.

I see Vision Pro as a game changer and I see a huge opportunity for TV stations to get in on the ground floor.

I will be interested in watching the reactions as I bump my way around the internet today.

But count me as one of those that believes that this will be a game changer. The $3500 price tag is steep, but I expect as the next rendition comes out the price will be dropping.

The Apple haters can keep on hating, but I think Apple hit the sweet spot on this one.

Stay tuned…