Layoffs at Fox Weather

Fox Weather sent a team down to Fort Myers Beach here in Florida for the kick off of hurricane season.

Fox Weather Correspondent Robert Ray posted about his trip to Florida.

Sending a crew to Florida to cover a storm is certainly justified and warranted. But, sending a crew to Florida for the start of Hurricane season, seems a bit much.

Couldn’t this coverage have been done back in the studio?

What makes this really stand out, is Fox Weather just laid some staff off. The network quietly laid off a few employees on the digital and app development teams.

A Fox Weather staffer tells FTVLive, “Sharri Berg, the president of FOX Weather, didn’t acknowledge the layoffs in an all-staff meeting that took place the week after the layoffs.” “This is after she also said layoffs weren’t going to happen as recently as a few weeks ago.”

While layoffs in media are happening right now, including a number of Fox-owned outlets, it does seem that sending around a dozen people to Florida for the start of Hurricane season, might not have been the best use of the budget.

Just saying…