Tip of the Cap to NBC's Lester Holt


While cable news droned on and on and on about President Trump's feud with the black players in the NFL, Lester Holt was trying to shed light on a real problem. 

The people on the island of Puerto Rico are living in apocalyptic conditions and it's getting worse day by day. 

The fact that this island which is part of the United States is receiving so little attention and help is heartbreaking. 

A huge hat tip to Lester Holt and NBC Nightly News for taking their show live to the island to show what cable news is basically ignoring. 

President Trump has been tweeting almost non-stop about the NFL son of bitches and has said little about the people in Puerto Rico, that may live without power for months. 

Maybe if a couple of NFL players could fly to Puerto Rico and take a knee, cable news, the media, and President Trump will pay attention. 

Thanks to Lester Holt for knowing where the real news is and the focus should be.  

Just saying....