Media Wrongly Reacts to Trump Win on Social Media

A number of people in TV news are telling followers on social media how they feel about this year's election. 

Which is exactly what they should not be doing. 

As a Journalist, you are taught (I hope) to stay unbiased and just report the story. But, some feel that they should be able to speak up. 

Here is part of what KRIV (Houston) Anchor Scarlett Fakhar posted to her Facebook page. She's happy that Trump won and has prayed for the victory:

Abby Mira on air name Abby Llorico is a Reporter at WCIA in Champaign, IL and thinks she has a right to speak up. 

Sorry Abby, doesn't work that way. You're a Journalist, it says on your Facebook page you are a Reporter at WCIA. The name might be different, but you list your job. 

If you want to complain or celebrate the election, then I suggest you get a a job outside of TV news. If you're a bank teller or a accountant, go ahead and make your feelings known. Celebrate or protest Trump's victory all you want. 

If you a Journalist, you don't get that option. I'm sorry it comes with the territory. 

Scarlett and Abby are by far and away not the only one that has posted to social media and I'm telling you, this is not professional and it is surely not the correct thing to do. 

You guys are watching too much cable news and you are thinking, well if they do it, so can I. 

WRONG! (quoting Donald Trump), Never use anything cable news does as an example. 

Whether your person won or lost, stay quiet do you job. It's the profession your chose, it's the job you want, so do it correctly. 

You owe it to yourself and you owe it to Journalism. 

Thanks to Donald Trump and his constant attacks, Journalism is under siege right now. It is time to step up and do a better job and win back the respect of the people.

I can tell you, this will be a long road, but you staying quiet on your feeling and doing your job is the first step on that road.