Trump Wants Only Lap Dogs at Fox News

Donald Trump called into his safe space on the morning after losing the Presidential Debate in a landslide.

Trump called Fox and Friends to get some sympathy. Steve Doocy pitched to him about doing a debate on friendly confines of Fox News.

Trump said he would love to, but he doesn’t want Martha MacCallum and Bret Baier to be moderators.

While Baier and MacCallum are certainly friendly to Trump, the indicted former President wants his total lap dogs to do the debate. Trump said he would like Jessee Watters, Sean Hannity, or Laura Ingraham to moderate the debate.

In other words, Trump wants to opinion hosts who cheerlead for him to be the debate moderators.

I mean, why not just have Don Jr, and Ivanka as the moderators?

Here’s the exchange.

BTW, look at Brian Kilmeade’s expression when Trump is talking. You can tell how hurt he is that Trump didn’t mention his name.