Social Media Etiquette for Journalists Webinar

This should be interesting…

The Midwest Chapter of the Emmys is holding a webinar called “Social Media Etiquette for Journalists Webinar.”

The panel is made up of mainly small market Journalists and a guy from HR.

The panel moderator is former WKOW (Madison) Melody Guernsey. We could not find much of a social media presence for her.

But, we did find a video of her while reporting at WKOW, where she advertised a student protest for Palestine. She urged students to bring flags and protest signs to the event.

What the Fuck?!

The one person on the panel from a big market is WBBM (Chicago) Reporter Sabrina Franza.

We checked out her Instagram to see how a big market Reporter, who will be teaching others about using social media does it.

If you’re looking for video of news stories, and updates to viewers, you’ll be disappointed.

Basically, it’s just selfies of her.

I don’t know who put together this panel, but I feel like that anyone that logs into the webinar, will be wasting two hours of their life that they won’t get back.

I guess I should add that the webinar is free, which I think is way too much.

But hey, that’s just me.