Viewers Are Tuning Out Cable News in Big Numbers

Just 4 years ago, 6.5 million viewers tuned in to cable news in prime time to get the latest on the pandemic and watch the unfolding presidential race between Donald Trump and Joe Biden.

Starting with the Fall season this year, only 3.7 million people, on average, watched Fox News, MSNBC, and CNN combined.

Bloomberg writes that a number of factors have converged to make this election year more challenging for news outlets.

Trump sat out the Republican debates, and viewer interest in those broadcasts withered. Both Trump and Biden are so far ahead of their rivals that their nominations look like foregone conclusions — not a recipe for gripping TV. Polls show that most Americans don’t particularly want either candidate.

About 6 million people watched the New Hampshire primary on the big three cable news networks on Jan. 23, down from 8.7 million in 2020 and 8.65 million in 2016.

Cable news continues to bleed viewers. Despite the loss, the cable networks have no clue on how to pivot. Fox News continues to sing the Trump anthem across all their prime-time shows.

MSNBC is carrying the water for the left and CNN is still completely lost.

All the cable nets thought that 2024 was going to be huge because it was an election year.

Viewers are tired of the political crap. You just need to walk into any public place and ask people how they feel, and you’ll find out quickly; they are so over the 2024 election, and it’s still January.

But don’t tell the cable news executives; they can’t hear you anyway with their heads so deeply In the sand.