Where is The Business Going?

While you guys certainly know my feelings on the social media shenanigans of many of today’s “Journalists”, here is the opinion of a former longtime Journalist, News Director, and RTDNA executive.

Many of you know or know of Mike Cavender. Mike has been around this business for over 4 decades and is very knowledgeable and well-respected.

He sent along this email after seeing this story on FTVLive.

We thought we would share.

Hi Scott,

 After seeing the reporter mimicking Barbie in a video,  I’ve just had enough!  Whether it’s stunts like that one…anchors posting their Tik Tok dances…on-air talent pushing beauty products…or reporters posting selfies taken at murder scenes—what is happening to our business?

 After a 42-year career as a news exec; the last six of those leading the RTDNA—I retired in 2018.  And, frankly, I’m very glad I left when I did!   I’m one of those old-fashioned types who believed broadcast journalism was an honorable profession and one in which I was very grateful and proud to make some contributions.   

 Not to paint everyone with a single brush (because there are still many professionals in the business, ) but I’m now quite discouraged by a lot of what I’m seeing.  Too many folks seem far more concerned about making an “impression” on social media than in spending more time refining their craft and providing their audiences with the public service that good journalism represents.

 Between the challenges of managing the technological changes that television news is undergoing, combined with behavior like we’re seeing today with all of this, I fear our credibility will continue to diminish.  Especially at a time when the country is so polarized and partisan, that is unfortunate for everyone.  I hope for improvement, but at this point, I’m just not sure.

 Thanks for allowing me to vent!

 Mike Cavender
Executive Director Emeritus

Speaking of Sierra Fox, FTVLive got a copy of her resume that is issued by her UTA, her talent agency.

Fox claims that she was the first Reporter on the scene at the January 6th insurrection at the U.S. Capitol.

Since media outlets were at the Capitol well before the insurrection started, how can this be?

I’m just saying, I have my doubts about this claim.