Nexstar Has Record Second Quarter

Judging from the email to FTVLive, it seems a number of Nexstar employees are getting sick of hearing that there just isn’t any money for decent raises, while Nexstar is telling Wall St. that they just had a record 2nd quarter.

The company just pulled in $1.25 billion dollars, which is up 10%, from the same period a year earlier.

Nexstar CEO Perry Sook said that political advertising was “up approximately 80% over pro forma Q2 2018,” the last midterm cycle. He said that political revenue was pacing “more than 40% ahead of 2020 year to date levels, setting us up nicely as we head into the second half of the year.”

Nexstar just extended Sook’s contract for another 3 years and the company shelled out to hire disgraced former CNN host Chris Cuomo.

“They make all this money… yet they are short-changing producers writers anchors and reporters,” said one Nexstar staffer to FTVLive. “They keep telling people the market dictates loss when they are raking it in left and right,” the staffer added.

TV companies are set to make millions, if not billions on this year’s midterm elections and yet many are still trying to hire Producers at $40,000 bucks.

Most people no longer want to work in TV news just to work in TV. They want to be paid a competitive wage and it is time that these media companies start doing just that.