That's Not Much Better...

A few days ago in a Patron Only story, FTVLive told you how WABG did a story about an Anchor returning to the station.

You can read that story at this link.

The interesting thing in the story was that WABG included a picture of the anchor team sitting behind the desk. 

Below is the picture they posted and make sure to pay close attention to Sports Anchor Stephen Robinson on the far right.

Robinson seems to have no interest in posing for the picture. But, you look closer and you see that Robinson's body seems to defy physics as it is going right through the anchor desk. 

It seems clear to me that Robinson was not there for the picture and the station tried to photoshop him into the shot and did a really shitty job of it.

In the Patron story, I got into some of the reasons that no TV station should be trying to photoshop people into places they were not, but what makes it so bad is how awful the photoshop job was.

After FTVLive posted the story, it appears that WABG open up Photoshop once again and “touched up” the picture.

They at least now have Robinson behind the desk and not going right through it, but it is still awful. I mean, the poor guy is missing part of his head.

The lighting is way off and it looks like photoshop done by Mrs. Green’s 3rd grade class.

What the station should have done, was this:

Just show the people that were there and don’t try and fool viewers by adding someone to the picture that wasn’t there.

You’re supposed to be Journalists for God’s sake!