"Untraditional" Reporter Lands New Gig

Some thoughts on the other side….

First of all, congrats on the new gig and I wish you nothing but the best.

Also, you have been in the business less than two years, so I will cut you some slack. But, I assure you that Lansing is nothing like New York City.

Also, You say that you wear makeup.

So do almost every other person that works on the air in TV news, male or female.

Lastly, it is great that you love yourself and are so “much yourself.” That is important for anyone in any walk in life.

So good for you Micheal! You feel like you have made it and you did so on your terms.

My only advice for you, remember you are a Journalist and it is your job to tell the stories of other people. I say as you move into your third year in TV news, you try to make the job about those people and not so much about yourself.

Again, congrats on the new gig!