Netflix Loses 200,000 Subs, But....

Netflix has 221.84 million subscribers and they reported that they lost 200,00 and media types and wall street is losing their shit.

200,000 is a very small percentage of 221 million.

Some think that this shows that streaming is not the future.

First off, the Super Bowl pulls in about 100 million viewers and nothing else on TV comes close to that number. Netflix still has more than double that number.

At one point Netflix was just about the only one in the streaming game.

But, now there are so many streaming services to choose from.

I was a Netflix subscriber for years, but when HBOMax launched it had a few shows that I wanted to watch. So, I ditched Netflix and went over to HBOMax.

But, as HBOMax seemed to get stale, I ditched them and right now I am subscribed to no service.

But, when some service comes along with something I want to watch, I’ll sign up again. Maybe that will be Netflix, maybe it will be someone else.

Most people move to streaming, because cable has priced itself so high, people like me cut the cord.

Why pay $165 for cable, when I could get the shows I wanted to watch on HBOMax for $10?

There are more streaming offerings and people are going to shop around for what they want. Netflix is not dead. Media companies for give their right arm for 220 million subs.

What could kill Netflix is if they decide to keep jacking up their rates as their subs don’t go up.

Think about cable, years ago your cable bill was like $30 bucks, now they want nearly $200 and can’t figure out why so many people are cutting the cord.

I cut the cord over a decade ago and haven’t missed it one bit.

Despite what you hear, Netflix is just fine. The only thing they need to worry about is greed. That’s what killed cable and I think they are smart enough to use that as an example.