The Boycott is Not Working

Word is that incoming CNN boss Chris Licht is wanting the CNN staff, particularly media critic Brian Stelter and his minion, Oliver Darcy to stop throwing stones at Fox News.

Stelter, in an effort to suck up to Licht, has heeded the call and has greatly pulled back on his attacks of Fox News.

Darcy seems to be ignoring the edict and continues to blast Fox News and right-wing media.

I never thought talking constantly about your competition and naming them was a very good business practice, but former CNN boss Jeff Zucker seemed to think it was the way to go.

This week, while editing the ironically named “Reliable Sources” newsletter, Darcy went off on Fox News attacking Disney for their policies when it comes to LBGTQ.

The funny thing, the left attacked Disney when they were perceived as not taking a stand against the so-called “Don’t Say Gay” bill that was passed in Florida.

Disney CEO Bob Chapek remained silent until the bills passed and that had the left yelling for a boycott of Disney.

Then, Chapek tried to put the toothpaste back in the tube and blasted Florida leaders for passing the bill.

That action got the right-wing all worked up and had them demanding a Disney boycott.

Darcy seems to think it is that call that will have a big impact on Disney. Darcy wrote,

It might be tempting to dismiss these attacks on Disney as irrelevant to the company's bottom line, but I think that would ignore the very real power held by the talking heads and entities attacking the company. We saw over the last six years how effective these same players were at convincing a not-so-insignificant swath of the country that news from reputable sources was "fake." That assault certainly impacted how conservative Americans view mainstream news outlets.”

First off, as someone that is in the Disney parks 3 or 4 days every week, I can tell you that they are as crowded now as they have been in the past 2 years.

The call for a boycott by either the left or the right is not impacting business at Walt Disney World and we have seen the parks shut down ticket sales as the parks have reached full capacity on a number of occasions recently.

Just this week, I have been to two different Disney Parks and they were packed.

There is a much bigger story that the media is not really picking up on that involves Disney and might greatly impact the future of Walt Disney World.

As Chapek and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis continue their pissing match, a group of GOP Florida lawmakers is looking to rescind the Reedy Creek Improvement District.

Many of you might not know this, but the Reedy Creek Improvement District is the immediate governing jurisdiction for the land of the Walt Disney World Resort.

It was put in place so that Walt Disney World would have basically total control of the almost 40 square miles that the Disney parks sit on.

This means that Disney does not have to ask Orange and Osceola counties (in which Disney sits) for permission to do anything. Disney controls Reedy Creek and now some GOP lawmakers want to get rid of that special district and make Disney report to the counties that the property sits in.

This is the story!

This is the story that could have a massive impact on Disney and not the “boycotts” from either side that is having no impact.

It is a huge story, but it’s not as sexy as Fox News and the right attacking Disney and that is why you haven’t heard about the story yet.

Maybe if Oliver Darcy stopped obsessing on Fox News, he could actually be breaking some real news that could have a huge impact on the most magical place on earth.

Just saying…