Employees are Getting Stiffed by BNC

It was a week ago today that FTVLive told you that the Black News Channel was pulling the plug on the network and filing for bankruptcy.

It started when the company could not make payroll and it ended when BNC just up and pulled the plug.

As they file for bankruptcy, BNC admits that they have not been able to pay some of its employees their earned wages.

Last Friday, BNC spokesperson Tim Buckman told WCTV that payroll deposits that had been scheduled for Friday, would instead be deposited on Monday.

By Monday, Buckman was no longer with the company.

WCTV reports that a different spokesperson responded and said a majority, but not all employees, had been compensated for “earned wages.”

Employees that still had “earned but unpaid wages owed” would have to wait until after bankruptcy proceedings and assets could potentially be liquidated, said the statement. It did not say how many employees were unpaid.

In other words, those employees will be waiting months, in not over a year to get paid and if they do it will likely be pennies on the dollar.

FTVLive is also told that one employee who was on a work Visa at Black News Channel. She now has less than 60 days to find a new job that will sponsor her or she will have to leave the country.

She has been here for 20 years.

A number of good people are now out of work and some have not even been paid for the work they have done.

Black News Channel executives knew this day was coming, but they gave no warning and pulled the plug suddenly and left their staff high and dry.

This is a fucking shame.