Fox News Stars Moving on From Trump

An interesting read from NY Magazine as to how many at Fox News are moving on from Donald Trump and are now hooking their wagon to Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis.

In the story, they say, “DeSantis is definitely someone who is more popular in the (Fox News) building among the executive hierarchy — and among the hosts,” says one Fox contributor. “The irony is that, with Lou Dobbs and a couple other people gone, you probably have just a half-dozen pro-Trump hosts in the whole building.” But even three of the most pro-Trump hosts — Sean Hannity, Jesse Watters, and Dan Bongino — invited DeSantis on their shows the same week for slobbering interviews about how competent he has been in the face of Hurricane Ian.

The story points out that Jeanine Pirro remains solidly pro-Trump, but also says that Trump did pardon her tax-cheating ex-husband. They add Brian Kilmeade, Tucker Carlson, and Laura Ingraham have all “gone wobbly” on Trump.

You can read the full story here.