This Reporter was Scammed Again

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Last week, FTVLive told you how WNBC (New York) Reporter Adam Harding was scammed in a "virtual kidnapping" and how he shelled out thousands of dollars to the scammers.

It was a story that the NBC O&O used to kick off May sweeps. A story about one of their own getting scammed.

You would think that a big market TV Reporter might be a bit wiser when it comes to scams, but Harding said that he fell for this one and it cost him a lot of money.

Some of his colleagues at WNBC have contacted FTVLive and are a bit skeptical of his story.

You see, this isn’t the first time Adam Harding was “scammed” out of some big money.

Back in January of 2018, Harding was a Reporter at WGCL in Atlanta and it was there that he was also scammed.

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Harding says he thought he was buying two tickets to college football’s national championship game for the low price of just $800. Single tickets were selling for over $1000 bucks and Harding thought he was getting two tickets for $800.

He says he paid the money and there were no tickets.

His ordeal of being scammed was turned into a news story (you can watch it here), just like the one he did to kick off the May ratings in New York.

Some at the station don’t think it passes the smell test. “He already had a lot of skeptical colleagues in NYC after his latest report, but there are even some conspiracy theorists after this older one surfaced,” said one WNBC insider to FTVLive.

It could be that both stories are legit and Harding is just a bit more gullible than other Reporters. But, if he pops up with another “I’ve been scammed” story for the November book, we’re calling bullshit.

Just saying….