Mark Johnson Ladies and Gentlemen!!!

KTVB (Boise) sent out a tweet with just two words, “Mark Johnson”….

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The post linked to Johnson’s bio and that was it. Soon the simple post had over 4 thousand “Likes” and nearly 2 thousand comments.

This was the most popular social media post the station has made and it was nothing more than the Anchor’s name and a link to his bio.

Twitter did its thing….

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The traffic even knocked the KTVB website offline.

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Even Mark Johnson was blown away by the fact that this simple post went viral:

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Remember, when Mark Johnson does pushups, he’s not raising his body up, he’s pushing the earth down.

When there is an emergency, 9-1-1 calls Mark Johnson.

When Mark Johnson went off to college, he turned to his dad and said, “You’re the man of the house now.”

Mark Johnson has a grizzly bear carpet in his living room. It’s not dead, it’s just afraid to move.

Mark Johnson.