The Inbox...

We haven’t opened up The Inbox in a while and we think it is time we do so…..

This former Producer is reacting to this story that FTVLive posted yesterday.


Hey Scott,

Just read the story you published about producers working their asses off while the anchors play around in the newsroom. Everything you said reminds me of my time at a station.

I used to work for a Gray station as a producer. When the pandemic hit and everyone worked from home, the talent did nothing that I recall until it was time for them to fire up their live shot for the newscast. Once everyone started coming back to work, the talent would show up 30 minutes before the newscast and head straight home afterward.

One of the reasons I left my producing job is because I felt overworked. Any mistake fell on me. I was getting paid by the hour while the talent was getting paid salary. Big salary.

I still have friends in the business and linked them to your article and they agree that producers work 10x harder. I would have stayed if the pay was better and my associate producer actually helped.



I don’t always agree with your takes, but you are right on when it comes to Jeff Zucker.

How does this guy continue to have a job after flying CNN into the side of a mountain?

I really hope that when Discovery takes over CNN, they do a lot of house cleaning and try to restore the network into what it once was.



I must admit, I have enjoyed watching the Cuomo’s implode.

I agree that CNN needs to put a woman in Chris Cuomo’s timeslot, but I keep reading that Jake Tapper is going to get the job.

Just what CNN needs, right?

FTVLive Response: I don’t know who CNN is going to put in the slot, but a number of people at CNN tell me that it will NOT be Jake Tapper.

Stay tuned….