The Inbox...


Time to see what you guys are saying about stories you saw here on FTVLive:

Email about what is happening with CBS O&O management:

I really hope that what's happened at WCBS and CBS in general is a wake up call. Not just to the suits at CBS but to EVERY news director across the country who thinks it's ok to belittle employees just because you can. To treat everyone in your newsroom like they're replaceable and you don't give a damn about them. We know we're replaceable. But so are you. Be a decent human being and a good boss who nurtures your talent not because you have to, but because you want to. Because you care about your employees who dedicate their lives to this profession. A profession that's becoming less lucrative and more dangerous as the days pass. Give a damn because you honor the profession of journalism and you revere it's place in a civilized society. If you're a boss who has ever heard the phrase "it just seems like you don't care about your employees" in an exit interview. Do some soul searching. And fix it.
No day like today to start.

Email about FTVLIve’s idea to Nexstar:

Great Idea!

Nexstar would benefit from simulcasting WGN Morning News on Newsnation.

It will also show corporate that not everything has to be exactly the same like every other tv station they own when it comes to set design, graphics and news formula. Show some personality, and have some fun. People don’t always want to see death and destruction when they get up early.

Too many ownership groups hire consultants for thousands of dollars who tell them gimmicky things that don’t work. It’s simple. Do viewers like your on air talent or not? Whether you like WGN Mornings or not, make no mistake, they have a following. They draw huge ratings and there’s a reason that group has been there so long. Their formula works.

That group shows personality and viewers see that and can relate. That’s why Chicago watches them. It’s not some consultant branding gimmick. It’s not weather and traffic on the 4s, it’s not the “breaking news” banner for stuff that’s three days old. Viewers see that and couldn’t care less and probably turn to another channel. They watch for the people. It’s not that complicated. Not sure why bosses can’t figure this out.


Just a quick Thank You for all that you do. There really isn’t anyone out that that is holding these media companies accountable except you. I’m sure you are a thorn in their side, but you are also keeping them honest and looking out for the “little guy.”