Missed It By That Much....

It seems that Nexstar’s KDVR is tweeting out “alternative facts” on their Instagram account.

The Denver station posted this:

Screen Shot 2021-01-11 at 2.29.40 AM.png

That’s close, but it’s not right.

If Trump skips the inauguration like he says he will do, it will be the 4TH time in history that it has happened.

Yes, President Andrew Johnson stayed in the White House as Ulysses S. Grant was sworn in as the 18th president.

The two others were when Presidents John Adams in 1801 and John Quincy Adams in 1829 also chose not to attend the inaugurations of the presidents who replaced them, Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson, respectively. Both left Washington before the ceremonies.

Hopefully no kids read KDVR’s social media, otherwise they might flunk their history test this week.