Reporter Tells Viewer to "Fuck Right Off"

WFXR (Lynchburg) Reporter Santiago Melli-Huber lost his grandma to the rona and when he posted about it, some idiot pointed out the fact that she was almost 100-years-old and she could have easily died some other way.

It was certainly a shitty thing to say to a guy that just lost his relative, but Melli-Huber then went on social media to post a screenshot of his reply to the viewer in which he tells the gut to “fuck right off”:

Screen Shot 2020-09-21 at 4.32.19 AM.png

I get the fact that Melli-Huber was pissed off, but as someone that works in TV news, publicly telling a viewer to “fuck right off” isn’t a good look for you or the station. Then screenshotting your reply and posting it to other places was really not the way to go.

My advice to Mr. Melli-Huber is from Michelle Obama, “When they go low, you go high.”

You might have wanted to stay on the high road on this one.

Also, condolences on the loss of your grandma.