We Interrupt This Home Run to Try and Save My Job

When we saw that Cincinnati Reds baseball announcer Thom Brennaman stopped announcing the game to talk live on the air to his bosses at Fox Sports, we had no idea what was going on.

A player just hit a home run and this guy is talking about his faith and saying he doesn’t know If he will ever be wearing his headset again.

This was the clip we saw:

So, of course, then we did a search to see what this was all about, and oh boy!

It seems that Brennaman was caught on a hot mic saying during a game between the Reds and the Kansas City Royals where he referred to KC as “one of the fag capitals of the world.” 


It seems clear that this isn’t the first time that he has used the homophobic slur and then to try and bring up your “faith” as you say you’re sorry, is even worse.

Let’s be honest, the only thing you were really sorry for was getting caught saying it and the thought of losing your job.

After his strange apology mixed in with the home run call, Brennaman left the booth and did not return to the game.

It seems that after the HR, he needed to go talk to HR.

The world has enough hate, it’s sad that some people tunning into a baseball game for a few hours of distraction had to even experience it there.

The Reds later released this statement: