Exploiting The News

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As the wildfires burn their way across California, thousands of people have been evacuated and many are wondering what has happened to their homes.

One woman, that was evacuated asked a news crew from KOVR (Sacramento) that was allowed into the fire zone if they would check on her home?

They did so and found that the woman’s home was destroyed. They face-timed the woman and told her that her home was gone and then used the facetime with the distraught women in their package.

This woman reached out to a news crew that ended up basically exploiting her at one of the lowest points in this woman’s life.

How about informing the woman that her home is gone, letting her deal with that news, and then following up with her, asking if she minds going on camera to talk about it?

Watching a Reporter deliver the heartbreaking news to this poor woman was one of the most egregious journalistic moments I have seen.

This wasn’t a camera rolling while she got the news from a firefighter. It was a news crew setting up a shot as the Reporter delivered some devastating news to a woman that has lost it all.

Our business should be better than this.