This Did Not Age Well...

COVID-19 records are being broken here in Florida on almost a daily basis. This week Florida made huge spikes in cases and now bars have once again been shut down.

Apple already closed 4 of their stores here in Florida and word is they will be closing the rest very soon. Word is that Disney is looking to delay plans on reopening.

If the state could have just waited a bit longer, it’s likely we would not be going into another round of businesses shutting down.

Anyone with even a quarter of a brain saw this coming when Florida opened up way earlier than it should have.

Turn the clock back to late May when Florida Governor Ron DeSantis tried to please Donald Trump and open back up the state. The experts said that it was not the time and when the media questioned DeSantis about it a month ago, he attacked the media.

Senator Marco Rubio piled on in a tweet and let’s just say, a month later, neither of these rants aged very well: