This is Tegna....


Imagine if you will, you finally are living your dream. You worked hard saved up enough money and finally opened up your very own business.

It’s not much, but you have opened a small restaurant in downtown Cleveland. You piled every dollar you have to make this happen. You are working long days, your spouse by your side doing the same and your kids even helping clean up tables are dinners leave them.

Then the protests happen and you close up the business, lock the doors, and head home. You wake up the next morning head down to your restaurant and see that every window is broken, the place has been set on fire and all your equipment is ruined. The food is gone.

You run into a police officer and you ask him what happened? He tells you that the protests got out of hand and a group of 20 somethings smashed out the windows of your business, looted the place, and then set it on fire.

He tells you that the police were able to arrest most of the protestors that did this to your business.

Dejected, you head home wondering how you are going to earn a living? How will you feed your family?

You open up your laptop, log onto WKYC the Tegna station in Cleveland and you see this:


Yep, the station is pointing viewers as to where they can donate to help protestors that were arrested.

It says nothing about helping those arrested that where protesting peacefully, just those arrested.

Where is the story that is trying to raise money to help you rebuild your place?

You close your laptop and cry.

At least one viewer decided to give their thoughts on this…

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