The Media Becomes the Target

While both protests and riots are happening coast to coast, the media appears to be the target by both the cops and the protestors.

Yesterday, FTVLive told you that police took dead aim at a news crew from WAVE in Louisville.

WCCO Photojournalist Tom Aviles was arrested for doing his job and even after being handcuffed and put in the back of a paddy wagon, Aviles broke out his phone and continued to shoot video:

Saturday evening, MSNBC’s Ali Velshi was shot by a rubber bullet fired by police.

WIS Reporter Miranda Parnell posted a video from her car, her head bleeding after she was hit by something while covering a protest.

Fox News Correspondent Leland Vittert and his crew were surrounded and harassed by protestors. They fled the area and Vittert says he found a police officer sitting in a car. He banged on the window, but the cop would not open the door on his car.

In Seattle, a security guard working for KCPQ took an AR-15 away from a protestor. Word is the assault rifle was taken from a police car.

Fox News CEO Suzanne Scott sent out an internal memo to the staff, condemning the attacks on the media.


The media is trying to bring the story to their viewers and it is getting more and more difficult to do so, as they are becoming the target by both the protestors and the police.

This is the outcome of having the President of the United States, continuing to call the media the “enemy of the people.”

We give props to Fox News boss Suzanne Scott for condemning the actions against the media, but at the same time, she has let people like Brian Kilmeade, Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, and Laura Ingraham praise Trump’s attacks on the media and help enable him.

I don’t know about you, but right now, I really would not say that America is great again.

Maybe that’s just me.

To all the Journalists out there, please stay safe.