Cop Takes Dead Aim at News Crew

If this guy isn’t out of a job by the end of the day, something is seriously F’d up.

WAVE (Louisville) Reporter Kaitlin Rust was reporting on protests on 5th street in Louisville, when a police officer opened fire on her and the WAVE Photographer with a marker gun.

The Anchor asked Rust, “who are they aiming at?" "At us," she responds continuing to get hit. "Directly at us.”

This is where we are in society when a police officer in full riot gear and walk about to a news crew that is reporting live and start shooting that them.

This is unacceptable!

One can only hope that this officer is fired and that Rust, the Photographer and WAVE look at taking some legal action against the cop and his department.

The press is not the enemy, no matter how many times the President says it.