Sinclair: Call In Before Coming to Work


As the coronavirus continues to spread across the country, TV stations are doing their best to get ahead of the outbreak.

This is the internal memo that was sent out to Sinclair employees and obtained by FTVLive:

From: Johanna Macauley
Sent: Wednesday, March 4, 2020 2:05 PM
To: Johanna Macauley
Subject: Sinclair & Coronavirus
BCC: All Sinclair Employees

Sinclair remains dedicated to the health and safety of our employees and their families. Given the ongoing spread of coronavirus (COVID-19), Sinclair employees are encouraged to refrain from all non-essential business travel until further notice and utilize skype/video conferencing when possible and practical. Employees can determine what travel is essential for their role and if you need guidance on determining whether your business travel is essential, please reach out to your supervisor for further direction. In addition, employees are advised against traveling (for essential business or personal reasons) to countries identified by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as having "widespread or sustained community transmission" of COVID-19. Currently, those countries are China, Iran, Italy, Japan and South Korea, but please be aware that this list may change. While we know these restrictions may cause inconvenience or changes to your plans, your well-being is our priority and this guidance is designed with that in mind.

Additionally, if you believe that you or anyone in your household has come in contact with someone who has been exposed to COVID-19 or someone who has recently returned from one of the five countries identified above, please notify your supervisor before reporting to work. As always, please refrain from coming to work when ill and contact your supervisor or your HR business partner if you are not feeling well to discuss appropriate next steps. We will continue to keep you apprised of any further developments regarding the impact of COVID-19 on our Company as the situation warrants.

Additional information and resources from the Center for Disease Control and the World Health Organization on disease prevention: CDC: WHO:

Johanna Macauley
Corporate HR Assistant