Live in KOMO's Old Sat Truck

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Over the years I have spent a lot of time in the back of a Satellite News Truck.

I have worked slept, eaten and one time used the bathroom in the back of a live truck. I will not get into details on that last part.

But now, for just $7,500 bucks I (or you) can live in a former KOMO (Seattle) Sat Truck.

The truck is listed on Craigslist and it is a 1997 Volvo FE42 Conversion Sat Truck that has been re-titled as a motorhome.

The seller says that it was purchased as a KOMO 4 News satellite uplink truck but has since been stripped and conversion is partially complete.

Gone are the edit decks and the uplink equipment, but hey, now there is a nice wrap around couch.

I would love this, but I’m about $7400 short on the asking price.

Anyone want to buy it for me and make it the “FTVLive Mobile Studio 9000 Doppler Snow Monster”?

The ad is posted below and here is a link to the listing.

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