Ummmmm.... Do Stations Not Look at This Stuff?


Stacey Leissing just started as a “Digital Content Producer” at Cox’s WFXT in Boston.

Now, Cox is one of the better companies out there and we will have to see what happens after they are taken over by Apollo?

But, one has to wonder if Cox is OK with having their new employee posting tweets like this one in which she calls President Trump, the “Worst President Ever”?


Now, if you work at a bank, or some other job outside TV news and you want to call Trump the “worst ever” go right ahead and do so.

But, as a Journalist, you job is to be objective and give both sides of the story.

Sending out a tweet like this, makes me as a viewer question ever story that Leissing does. Will she be objective while doing a story on Trump, when she considers him the “worst President ever”?

Now you might be saying, but Scott the people on CNN and MSNBC call Trump the worst President all the time.

That’s true, but we are talking about real Journalists here and not cable news.

We’re surprised that this made it through the Cox hiring process. Then again, maybe they are just mailing it in until Apollo takes over.