No. 5 Best TV Station to Work For


For the 5th best station to work for, we blow into the Windy City and find our second NBC O&O that is on the list.

WMAQ is located in the heart of Chicago, just north of the Chicago River. It’s a beautiful building and it is in a perfect location.

Chicago is one of those markets that once people get to that market, they tend to stay. But not everyone stays and some move on to bigger and better jobs.

Jane Pauley, Deborah Norville and Robin Meade our three of those that made a stop at WMAQ before moving on. The station has also had the likes of Ron Magers, Carol Marin and was a one time stop for ABC News Anchor Max Robinson (look him up kids).

Chicago is one of the best cities to live in, except for January and February, where it is just too damn cold.

One of the best sports towns and some of the best food you will find.

The NBC O&O’s were not always a good place to work, but over the past years, they have really turned it around and is now one of the groups that should be on your list.

WMAQ is a great station to work for in an awesome city.

No. 4 is up next hour as we count our way down to the top.