Megyn Kelly on Tom Brokaw: Not So Fast

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Former NBC Anchor Tom Brokaw has been accused of sexual harassment and as always, Megyn Kelly has to somehow put herself in the story. 

So Kelly has come out and told women that are showing their support for Brokaw to watch out and watch what they say. 

Kelly warned colleagues who have recently defended the longtime NBC News Anchor, “You don’t know what you don’t know.”

After Brokaw denied any wrongdoing, more than 60 of his past and present female colleagues at the Peacock Network came to his defense last week with a letter of support. Some of the network’s biggest names, including Rachel Maddow, Andrea Mitchell, Mika Brzezinski and Maria Shriver, signed the letter, according to reports.

Kelly, a former Fox News host, was not among them and explained why she didn’t join her NBC contemporaries during Monday’s episode of “Megyn Kelly Today” during a chat with NBC reporters Kate Snow and Stephanie Gosk.

“It’s basically a character reference,” Kelly said. “And they’re saying, ‘For what it’s worth, my experience with him has always been honorable, and he’s always treated me well.’ And I understand that. Because when you love the person being under attack, you want to say, ‘This has been my experience.'”

Kelly continued: “I will say, that the same thing did happen at Fox. And the truth is, you don’t know what you don’t know. And that’s not in any way to impugn Tom, who I love. And who’s been so good to me. Just saying, you don’t know what you don’t know.”

The women wrote that Brokaw, “has treated each of us with fairness and respect. He has given each of us opportunities for advancement and championed our successes throughout our careers,” according to

The colleagues added that they view Brokaw as “a man of tremendous decency and integrity.”

 "Decency and integrity", is something that Megyn Kelly might not know much about. 

Just saying... 

H/T Fox News