How Sinclair got Smarter very Quickly


While FTVLive takes a number of well-deserved shots at Sinclair, we also have to point out a very smart move by the company. 

You may remember when Sinclair was starting to get a lot of publicity after announcing their deal to buy Tribune.

FTVLive was pointing out how bad the deal would be for the people working at Tribune and a number of others were taking shots at Sinclair as well.

Sinclair lawyers were writing letters to FTVLive and after HBO's John Oliver slammed Sinclair, the company fired back in on air commentaries and internal memos. 

But then all of the sudden, Sinclair shut up. 

Despite that people continued to speak out against the company, Sinclair remained silent.

They got smart and it happened very quickly.

When FTVLive, John Oliver and others first started shots at Sinclair the company reacted every time. It was like their skin was as thin as their BFF's Donald Trump. They could let a criticism pass without making a comment. 

But then, all of the sudden, no matter what was said, Sinclair stayed mum. Whoever advised them to shut up, should be praised for doing so. 

Sinclair knows that the Tribune deal is in the bag and now they are just staying quiet until it is approved and goes through. 

It's like the thinly-skinned little boy grew up and matured overnight.

Now, if they could just get their friend Donny to do the same thing.