Ummmmm... Excuse Me Gregg?


Fox News Anchor Gregg Jarrett thinks that with all the crap coming out against movie mogul Harvey Weinstein, the Weinstein Company should immediately shut-down its operations and permanently close its doors.

Jarrett also thinks that the Weinstein Company should pool its assets into a compensation fund for the many women who claim they were victimized by Harvey Weinstein and his seemingly insatiable sexual appetite. 

"The Weinstein Company surely knew it had a sexual predator at the helm, but did little to stop him.  Instead, it willingly fostered and sustained an environment that permitted him to continue abusing women," Jarrett said. 

Hmmmm? I wonder if I can think of another media company that had a leader that was sexually harassing women for years?

I wonder, should that company have also, "immediately shut-down its operations and permanently close its doors"? Maybe also pooling their assets into  "a compensation fund for the many women who claim they were victimized."

I'm just trying to think here Gregg Jarrett of FOX NEWS, is there any other media company that we would also think falls into this same scenario? 

Hmmmmm....seems like I know one.