Dallas Station Finally Dumps Anchor that had Outstanding Warrants

FTVLive FIRST reported all the legal trouble that WFAA Anchor Shon Gables has been in. 

Back in 2011, FTVLive reported that a bench warrant was issued for Gables. In May of last year, FTVLive reported that a Dallas area process server taped a copy of the lawsuit against gables to the side of a WFAA live truck. 

In October of last year, FTVLive FIRST reported that a Michigan Judge has ordered Gables to pay $250,000 to her ex-husband Peter Klamka. 

Those are just some of the stories we reported on the Dallas Anchor's legal trouble. The entire time we reported these stories, Gables continued to anchor the news at WFAA.

Now, it appears that WFAA has finally decided to cut ties with Gables. 

Her bio has gone missing from the WFAA station website and Gables posted this message to her Facebook page “Thank you Dallas …. I am grateful for the opportunity.”

It appears that BELO was willing to look the other way while the legal troubles piled up against their anchor, but Gannett did not.

Gannett bought WFAA from BELO and has now sent Gables packing.