Judge Tosses George Zimmerman's Case Against NBC News

A Florida judge has tossed George Zimmerman's lawsuit against NBC News. 

Circuit Judge Debra S. Nelson ruled that the former Neighborhood Watch volunteer and killer is entitled to no money from the media giant.

Zimmerman can file an appeal but for now the case against NBC is dead in the water. 

Zimmerman had filed suit two years ago, accusing NBC of falsely portraying him as a racist in a series of broadcasts shortly after he killed Trayvon Martin, an unarmed black 17-year-old, in Sanford.

Editors shortened audio from a 911 call Zimmerman made to a police dispatcher the night of the shooting, making it sound as if Zimmerman volunteered that Trayvon was black and that he racially profiled the Miami Gardens teenager.

NBC fired he two employees who were involved in the edits and made a public apology.

H/T Orlando Sentinel