Former TV Anchor May Run for Congress


When you're a former TV Anchor, you may miss the spotlight, or miss working. But, it's hard to be qualified to really do anything.

In your last job as a TV anchor, you just needed to look good, read what other people wrote and blow a bunch of hot air.

What other job besides TV news, does these talents qualify you for?


Former WCCO (Minneapolis) news anchor Don Shelby is weighing a run against three-term Republican Rep. Erik Paulsen next year.

Although Shelby has not tipped his hand as of yet.  

“I’ve been asked,” Shelby said “I’m flattered. It’s worth thinking about, but I haven’t in any way made up my mind.”

Added Shelby: “It’s not unusual … I’ve been asked 30 times in the past to run for public office from all three parties.”

Democrats have been tight-lipped about Shelby’s possible entry into the race, but they made clear Thursday that they would welcome a respected Twin Cities figure with almost universal name recognition across the state.

Stay tuned.... 

H/T Star Tribune