Another Anchor Out the Door in Austin

The revolving door in Austin continues to spin.


The latest talent out the door at KTBC is Jenni Lee, the station’s weekend news anchor.

Lee joined has been at the station since in 2001.

“I am extremely grateful for my 12 years at Fox,” Lee said this afternoon. “After all, I met my husband on a story! I am leaving with great memories and friends. Thanks to those who allowed me into their homes to tell them about all sorts of crazy things. I am staying in Austin and will probably run into you on the streets!”

Reporters Lauren Petrowski and Daniel Armbruster will be filling in until a new weekend anchor is hired, a station spokeswoman said.

Lee is the latest in a string of high-profile employees to leave the station in recent months, including morning anchors Katherine Kisiel and  Greg Kerr and longtime sports director Dave Cody.

Last one to leave...please get the lights. 

H/T Austin360