Fox Names New Leadership Team

Rupert Murdoch has a made a decision on the new management team for Fox News. Instead of one news czar like the Ailes regime, the network will now have co-presidents.

Jack Abernethy

Fox O&O president Jack Abernethy and Senior Executive VP Bill Shine are the new co-presidents of the news division, both reporting to Murdoch. Abernethy will continue to run the Fox O&O's while adding responsibilities of all business components of Fox News Channel and Fox Business Network. 

Shine will run all programming and news, including talent, production and technical operations.

Bill Shine

Also, Suzanne Scott is promoted to Executive VP of Programming and Development, reporting to Shine. Jay Wallace, who was promoted to Executive VP of News Editorial, will continue in that role, also reporting to Shine.

It will be interesting to see if this structure stays in place, especially as it relates to Shine given he's reported to have been Ailes' consigliere.