Bad Start to the Day

Today has not gotten off to a good start.

When I got up at 4:45AM and stumbled into the FTVLIve World Headquarters, my Internet connection was running smoothly. 

Just before 6AM, the connection went down. So, I packed up my new laptop and headed to Dunkin Donuts. I would have gone to Panera, but the Internet there is sooooooo slow it makes working next to impossible.

After ordering a donut and my ice tea at DD, i fired up my laptop, only to find that their Internet is down as well. 

So, I packed up again and headed here to Panera. I have Internet, but it's about as fast as 1990's dial up.

I can't post full updates this morning until I can get my full Internet connection back.

If you think it is frustrating for you, try being on this end.