Dodging The Crossfire and the Teleprompter


CNN's relaunch of Crossfire kicks off tonight and it might be worth tuning in just to watch Newt Gingrich try and use a teleprompter. 

The new CNN host said in a Friday conference call that he is still trying to adjust to using a prompter.

HuffPo writes that Gingrich and his co-hosts Stephanie Cutter, Van Jones and S.E. Cupp spent the past week rehearsing for the revived debate show, which premieres Monday at 6:30 p.m.When asked what has surprised him during rehearsal, Gingrich said that the "technical" aspect of being on cable news has required getting used to. 

"Getting cued to go to the teleprompter is much more disruptive if your normal behavior is to be the guest," the former Speaker of the House told reporters on Friday. "As the guest, you don’t care that they’re screaming, you know, get out, get out, you know?"

He added, "At least in my case because I learned slower than these other guys, we have been practicing just at basic stuff, which I never experienced when I was the guest."

Sam Feist, CNN's Washington bureau chief, noted that the debate show is unscripted and that the teleprompter is used to introduce subjects and cut to commercial breaks.

Stay tuned....