This is Where the Fund Begins


As you know by now, 6 months ago FTVLive knocked down our decade old paywall and opened this site up to the masses. 

The results have been astounding.

Traffic to FTVLive is up 3000% and continues to grow each and every week. 

We also started updating the site 7 days a week. I have not taken off a single day from the site in the past 6 months.  It is our goal to continue to bring you the news about TV news without pulling any punches.

A number of longtime members of FTVLive has expressed interest in continuing to support this site and throw a few dollars our way.  We love these people from the bottom of our heart.

If you one of those awesome people that like FTVLive and would like to offset some of our expenses (we are in the need of a new Macbook in the worst way), we now have a way for you to help us out.  

Using your credit card you can toss FTVLive a few bucks and help continue to grow this website. 

Here is a link to our support page.