Straight From a Scripps Employee

This is an email FTVLive received from a Scripps employee, who works at WTKR (Norfolk).

The station just went through some big cuts, as had other Scripps stations. This gives you a closer look inside Scripps and how they are running their stations.

Here’s the email:


I know all the upper management here read you daily so I really hope you can use some of this.

I’m at Scripps owned WTKR in Norfolk, VA. As you’re aware Scripps is cutting jobs left and right. We found out Monday that 18 of us would be losing our jobs effective in one month on April 3.

The GM and ND tried to hold a Q and A session Tuesday morning that was a total shit show. What was suppose to be a 30 minute meeting, went on for 2 hours before being cut off. 

While the word “transparency” was thrown around a lot from the GM, the staff got zero questions answered on why this layoff happened, and why the people who were laid off were selected. Corporate HR had to step in on numerous occasions to keep the peace.

Several talented people with 15+ years experience are being let go in favor of recent college graduates with absolutely zero former experience. This goes for both on air talent, and those behind the scenes. 

One reporter even stood up in the middle of the meeting and said she tried getting out of her contract early and was told no. Yet her outstanding co-worker wants to stay and can’t.

We are a top 50 market and the average age of our producers is 23. With the exception of one, every other hire was straight out of college with zero experience. And then management wonders why our on-air product isn’t bringing in viewers. Did I mention two of the people laid off just uprooted their lives less than 6 months ago to move themselves and their families for this “great new work opportunity.”

It’s beyond frustrating. I could give so many more examples of how this station has been run into the ground. How about we spent tens of thousands of dollars on some murals and wraps for the building?

Anyway, this got way longer than I expected, but people here are angry, mad, and so frustrated about the lack of information that goes into some of these decisions.

Obviously , I’d like to remain anonymous, but would be glad to answer any questions or give more specifics if you’d like. 

I would love to see the GM’s head explode if some of this info gets into your column.

Thanks for all you do.

Concerned and pissed off WTKR employee