When Fake News is Fake News

Elon Musk has all but destroyed Twitter and he allows “fake news” when it aligns with his views.

Yesterday, I was on the phone and the person asked if I had seen what Tiger Woods said about Kamala Harris and her “fake black accent.”

I said, “I don’t believe he said that.” The person said it was posted on the PGA Tour’s verified website. He said, I’ll send you a link.

When you quickly look at it, it sure looks real. But, as you look closer you see PGA Tour is misspelled. Then you look at the account and see it is full of posts supporting Trump and against Harris.

It's not cool that anyone can pay a few bucks for a blue checkmark and create an account designed to fool people.

If someone wants to put up a pro-Trump or pro-Harris website, go right ahead. But it is unethical when it is designed to look like something else and trick visitors.

Hopefully, Tiger Woods will have his attorney contact this Twitter account and let them know what’s up. The PGA Tour might also have something to say.

People often ask me why I rarely post on Twitter anymore to my almost 13,000 followers.

This is the reason.

Elon Musk has turned it into a cesspool, and it is a pool that I try to stay away from.

I’ll give up the 13,000 followers for my 277 followers I have on Threads.

It’s a much more civil place.