Is Scripps Looking to Sell?

FTVLive spies saying something is up with Scripps-owned WXYZ in Detroit.

Our spies snapped a few pictures yesterday.

Here’s a picture of new landscaping going in at the station.

Sources say that they are cutting down trees on the property, that have sat neglected for years.

Check out this picture of painters working on WXYZ in the rain.

You might be thinking, that’s know big deal, my station does work around the building as well.

The difference is, the company that owns your station, doesn’t have a stock price of a $1.73.

Scripps can’t aford to be paying for new plants, just before Winter. Think about it, people paint their homes in the Spring, not before the Winter weather.

If you ask me, this looks like Scripps is sprucing up WXYZ to make it look pretty for a potential buyer.

We even heard they put in a new air conditioning unit.

In the Fall?

With painters working in the rain along with landscapers, my guess is they have a potential buyer coming in very soon, and they want the place looking pretty.

So, is this the only station Scripps is looking to sell? I would think they would need to unload one or two more to try and pay down their debt.

So, I’m saying Scripps is selling WXYZ.

If they’re not selling, and Scripps is spending money on landscaping, painting and tree removal, then they are more screwed up than even I thought.

OH! There is one more major Scripps story that we are chasing right now! We’re trying to nail it down, and we’ll update you when we do.

Stay tuned…