CBS Shakes Up the Ranks....Again

The only thing for certain at CBS News and the O&Os is change.

In yet another shift, CBS President Wendy McMahon is rearranging the deck chairs yet again.

McMahon announced that Adrienne Roark and Jennifer Mitchell will be moving into new roles.

Roark becomes the president of editorial and newsgathering for CBS News and the O&Os. She will be responsible for national and local broadcasting coverage.

Mitchell becomes president of stations and digital for CBS News and Stations.

If you’re keeping track at home that means McMahon is a president, Roark is also a president, and Mitchell is, oh yeah, a president.

That’s a lot of presidents for a company which is trying to cut money, semmingly at every turn.

Also, remember, CBS is supposedly being bought by Skydance, who could come in and make the changes they want to see.

Like we said, the only thing you can count on at CBS right now, is change.

Stay tuned….