Act Like You Have Been There....

I think the best advice I have heard from so many Journalists over the years is, “Act like you have been there…”

This advice is almost always passed along to young Journalists just getting started in the business.

Basically, you’re telling them to do their job professionally, don’t act like a fanboy/girl, and never be awed by the people you’re interviewing.

Your job is a Journalist, not a fan or groupie.

Yet, here is Caroline Collins from KRIV in Houston, “so excited” to be interviewing Simone Biles.

Sadly, Collins is in a bigger market and is not a young Journalist just getting started.

She’s just setting bad examples for young Journalists.

KRIV management should be embarrassed. If I were the News Director and saw this video, I would have made certain that Collins wasn’t doing the interview and passed it off to someone more professional.

But hey, that’s just me….