You Need Some Disclosure There...

The wife of WDJT (Milwaukee) Assistant News Director Tony Capriolo has been elected as a Milwaukee County Supervisor. Good for her for doing public service.

But, when the station interviews Sky Capriolo, don’t you think they should disclose the fact that this is the wife of a news manager at the station.

“The station didn’t disclose this when she announced her campaign, when she won on election night,” said one insider to FTVLive.

While we can’t confirm what the source is saying, we can confirm that in this April story about a bus crash that happened in Capriolo’s district, the station did not disclose that her relationship with the Assistant News Director.

If you’re looking for the public to trust you, you need to be upfront. It would take just a few seconds to disclose the relationship, and that could go a long way in gaining trust.