Fired News Director, Assistant News Director Sue Nexstar

A year ago, FTVLive FIRST told you about a memo came out from WOOD (Grand Rapids) Assistant News Director Amy Fox at the direction of News Director Stanton Tang.

The memo informed the staff that some of the station’s “conservative viewers” were upset with the station’s stories on Gay Pride month.

The memo said in part:

“We should not cover every Pride event that we learn about. We need to do some work to discern the newsworthy-ness of the event. If we are covering pride events we need to consider how to make the story balanced and get both sides of the issue.”

After the blowback, both Fox and Tang were let go.

Now, the pair is suing parent company Nexstar for defamation.

I guess it’s only fitting that they filed this lawsuit during Pride Month.

Two WOOD Producers were also fired. Not because they supported the memo but because they spoke out against it. Producers Luke Stier and Madeline Odle, who are engaged with each other, posted messages to social media, saying they did not agree with the memos and showed their support for the LBGTQ+ community.

Interestingly, Stier and Odle are not suing the station despite seeming to have a stronger case.

Here’s the link to the memo if you haven’t seen it.