Don Lemon: Networks No Longer Have Clout

Don Lemon is still trying to stay on the highway of relevancy.

Lemon was fired from CNN, and now he’s talking more about his exit.

Lemon chaulks up his exit from CNN by saying, “I wasn’t in the cards. Not the direction the network wanted. Dependent on advertiser money they’re averse to controversy. “Worried they’ll lose their dwindling audience. I don’t have a big ego. Do I have a big mouth? Yes. Have I a viewpoint that I think important to tell? Yes. But . . . then . . . so do you.”

Lemon calls himself a Journalist, yet that statement above sounds nothing like a Journalist.

In speaking about network television, Lemon says, “Today’s audience is maybe 500,000. Younger people are streaming. The industry’s shrinking. People are into digital. It’s online influences rather than network TV. There’s no there there anymore.”

“Networks no longer have clout.”

Lemon no longer has clout, either, but I guess he hasn’t figured that out yet.

H/T NY Post